

Data Warehouse

This service collects data from multiple sources (e.g., student systems, assessments, HR/Finance systems) into a central WNYRIC data warehouse for purposes of regional reporting and subsequent data collection activities required for reporting by NYSED. Participating districts are provided secure access to the data for reporting and analysis via the Internet using reporting tools from COGNOS. The WNYRIC Data Warehouse provides curriculum and assessment reports for the analysis and improvement of student learning and professional practice. In addition, reporting is available for verification and analysis of student and staff data collected by NYSED (e.g., accountability data, graduation data). The standard base service provides each school district/charter school with three user IDs. Additional user IDs can be purchased. Development of the WNYRIC Data Warehouse is ongoing. This is a mandatory service.

New DDC/CIO Training

These three half-day trainings will assist new District Data Coordinators (DDC/CIOs) in their understanding of the processes and procedures required in this position. NYSED data collection requirements and timelines and the processes used to collect data will be discussed. This will include processes used to collected data from student management systems, human resource systems and test scoring systems. In addition, participants will be introduced to the various reporting applications at the state, and regional levels. Basic hands-on training in the WNYRIC Data Warehouse (Level 1), Level 0, L2RPT and PD applications will be provided.
This service is in addition to, and separate from, our regular DDC Meetings.

New York State Data Collection and Reporting

This service provides for the data collection activities needed to meet the collection and reporting requirements specified by the New York State Education Department. Districts are provided with access to Level 0 and support. District data collected through Level 0 will be made available for loading to the NYSED SIRS data warehouse per SED requirements. Data cleansing and L2RPT phone support and assistance are included in this service. Regional District Data Coordinator (DDC) meetings will be offered to communicate NYSED and WNYRIC reporting requirements. This is a mandatory service.

Parent Report/ISR Printing

Parent reports (ISRs) for NYS assessments in grades 3-8 ELA and Math will be made available through the L2RPT Reporting System. This service will provide districts with color and black/white ELA and Math assessment reports for distribution to parents and district stakeholders. Science 4 and 8, NYSAA, and NYSESLAT Parent Reports (ISRs) are also available.

WNYRIC designed Science 4 & 8 Parent Report PDFs are available at a cost of $75.00 per grade.