WNYRIC Data Warehouse Training Classes
Classes are available ONLY to districts directly supported by WNYRIC.
Districts within Monroe, EduTech, GST, South Central, or Mid-Hudson RICs should contact their RIC for information on training.
Click here to find out what RIC and BOCES your district is in.
Basic Navigation
You have access to the Data Warehouse reports provided by WNYRIC, but do you know how to access them? This webinar will provide basic navigation training and show participants where to find and run the reports available to all users. This training is designed for novice users of the data warehouse, or users who need a refresher. Please note there are multiple sessions of this training. All sessions of Basic Navigation training are the same, you only need to register for one date. A link to webinar will be provided the day before class. Please email dataview@e1b.org with any questions.
Using the Data Quality Report Card
This training will review the Data Quality Report Card in depth. We will look at the checks that are shown on the report and discuss how to use the report to help ensure data quality.
November 5 10am https://www.mylearningplan.com/WebReg/ActivityProfile.asp?D=19584&I=4825876
March 7 10am https://www.mylearningplan.com/WebReg/ActivityProfile.asp?D=19584&I=4825878
Regents Instructional Reports Training
This training will guide you through how to view instructional reports in Level 1, as well as preview some commonly used and helpful reports and visualizations to view assessment scores, trends, strengths, weaknesses and gaps to comparison groups. An active Level 1 Data Warehouse account is useful for this training.
Verifying Your Staff Snapshot and Assignment Data in Level 1 Data Warehouse
This training will guide you through how to view reports related to Staff Snapshot and Staff Assignment in Level 1. We will review related reports and discuss common staff related issues. An active Level 1 Data Warehouse account is useful for this training.
Verifying BEDS Day Enrollment and FRPL Data in Level 1 Data Warehouse
This training will guide you through how to view reports related to BEDS Day Enrollment and FRPL data in Level 1. We will review related reports and discuss common related issues. An active Level 1 Data Warehouse account is useful for this training.
Instructional Visualizations Training
During this training, we will take a look at the interactive visualizations we have for 3-8 ELA/Math/Science and Regents Level assessment performance, and item analysis. Training will also cover navigation and basic filtering of the visualizations.
Understanding the Statewide District Comparison Visualization
The Statewide District Comparison visualization allows users to compare any district’s assessment results to any other group of districts or individual districts of their choosing. The visualization uses the data available on the NY State Report Card website, data.nysed.gov, to create easy to use, interactive reports. During the training, we will discuss how to filter the visualization and the options for comparing results.
Using the Tested/Not Tested Counts Report
This training is designed to increase awareness of how to use the Level 1 Tested/Not Tested Counts Report. This report provides counts of students who were either tested, or fall into one of the “not tested” categories. Reviewing this report is essential for ensuring that all students who tested have been accounted for. If students are missing from this report, this means that the state has no test score for the student at your district. This training will explain the process and what to do if a student is missing or incorrectly categorized.
Level 0 Basic Navigation
This webinar is designed for new Level 0 users. The training will cover the functions of the main menu, how data is input and imported to Level 0, a brief overview of reports, uploading data to the Level 1 Data Warehouse, and contacts for Level 0 support. Please note there are multiple sessions of this training. All sessions are the same, you only need to register for one date. A link to the webinar will be provided the day before the session. Please email dataview@e1b.org with any questions.
October 4 10am https://www.mylearningplan.com/WebReg/ActivityProfile.asp?I=4825272&D=19584
November 6 10am https://www.mylearningplan.com/WebReg/ActivityProfile.asp?I=4825273&D=19584
January 29 10am https://www.mylearningplan.com/WebReg/ActivityProfile.asp?D=19584&I=4912636
Level 0 Security Overview
This webinar is designed primarily for CIO/DDC Level 0 users. The training will cover basic security functions and maintaining district users. Please note there are multiple sessions of this training. All sessions are the same, you only need to register for one date. A link to the webinar will be provided the day before session. Please email dataview@e1b.org with any questions
November 7 1pm https://www.mylearningplan.com/WebReg/ActivityProfile.asp?D=19584&I=4825856
February 3 10am https://www.mylearningplan.com/WebReg/ActivityProfile.asp?D=19584&I=4825859
Level 0 Reports
This webinar is designed for all Level 0 users. The training will cover a wide range of Level 0 reports including newly released Data Quality reports. Please note there are multiple sessions of this training. All sessions are the same, you only need to register for one date. A link to the webinar will be provided the day before session. Please email dataview@e1b.org with any questions.
October 11 10am https://www.mylearningplan.com/WebReg/ActivityProfile.asp?D=19584&I=4825864
February 4 1pm https://www.mylearningplan.com/WebReg/ActivityProfile.asp?D=19584&I=4825866
BEDS Day Enrollment SIRS Reports
This webinar will focus on the reports in the L2RPT BEDS Day folder. Participants will learn how to verify and interpret the SIRS 312, 313, 314, 316, 319 and 323 reports in preparation for the BEDS Day Enrollment and FRPL extracts in January and March. Please note there are multiple sessions of this training. All sessions are the same, you only need to register for one date. A link to the webinar will be provided the day before session. Please email dataview@e1b.org with any questions.
October 15 1:30pm https://www.mylearningplan.com/WebReg/ActivityProfile.asp?D=19584&I=4825884
October 18 10am https://www.mylearningplan.com/WebReg/ActivityProfile.asp?D=19584&I=4825888
February 25 1pm https://www.mylearningplan.com/WebReg/ActivityProfile.asp?D=19584&I=4825920
March 5 10am https://www.mylearningplan.com/WebReg/ActivityProfile.asp?D=19584&I=4825922
Accessing and Understanding SIRS 701 UIAS Reports
This interactive training is designed for District Data Coordinators to familiarize themselves with accessing and understanding the SIRS-701 Unique Identifier Audit System Summary reports in Level 2. The purpose of these reports is to alert Districts, Charters, and Non-Public schools to specific scenarios in which student enrollment records may be inappropriately aligned according to specific business rules. Because these reports promote data quality using student NYSSIS IDs, we recommend attending a NYSSIS training session before participating in this training. Please note there are multiple sessions of this training. All sessions are the same, you only need to register for one date. A link to the webinar will be provided the day before session. Please email dataview@e1b.org with any questions.
October 22 1pm https://www.mylearningplan.com/WebReg/ActivityProfile.asp?D=19584&I=4825932
February 11 10am https://www.mylearningplan.com/WebReg/ActivityProfile.asp?D=19584&I=4825935
End of Year Certification of Annual Outcomes and Attendance Reports
This training will review the Level 2 reports that must be certified as outlined in the NYSED EOY Certification Checklist for Public, Charter, and Special Act districts. Participants will be given guidance for checking the quality of each of the reports requiring certification in the L2RPT Annual Outcomes and Attendance folders.
End of Year Certification of Total Cohort and Tested Not Tested Reports
This training will review the SIRS reports that are required to be certified as outlined in the NYSED End of Year Certification Checklist for Public, Charter, and Special Act Districts. Participants will be given guidance for checking the quality of the data in each of the reports requiring certification in the Total Cohorts and Tested/Not Tested folders.
Resolving the NYSSIS Hold Queue Training
This training will allow NYSSIS users to gain a deeper understanding of what NYSSIS is and how to resolve students in the Hold Queue. Please note there are multiple sessions of this training. All sessions are the same, you only need to register for one date. A link to the webinar will be provided the day before session. Please email dataview@e1b.org with any questions.
November 8 10am https://www.mylearningplan.com/WebReg/ActivityProfile.asp?D=19584&I=4825930
This training program is comprised of four 3-hour sessions designed to introduce new DDCs to the role and its important in complying with NYSED’s requirement for data collection and data quality. It can also serve as a refresher for existing DDCs or individuals involved in assisting a DDC.
In this course you will:
-Gain a deeper understanding of the role of the DDC
-Learn how to coordinate the process of data collection and verification
-Become familiar with vocabulary and systems used in the SIRS Data Collection Process
-Engage in conversation with colleagues about similar data issues
-Develop relationships with RIC staff and district counterparts
Attendance at all in-person sessions is expected. Additional virtual trainings may be offered outside of the in-person sessions. At the end of the course, a certificate will be issued stating completion of the WNYRIC New DDC Program. Open to districts within WNYRIC only.
Registration Link: https://www.mylearningplan.com/WebReg/ActivityProfile.asp?I=4826112&D=19584
Wednesday September 18, 2024 9am-12pm
Thursday November 14, 2024 9am-12pm
Wednesday February 5, 2024 9am-12pm
Wednesday April 2, 2024 9am-12pm
Contact dataview@e1b.org with any questions.